Thursday, March 4, 2010

Concept of Supervision Unit IV

Concept of Supervision

Moorar says, in modern education the term supervision is used to describe those activities which are primarily and directly concerned with studying and improving the conditions which are surround the learning and growth of pupils and teachers.

The distinct characteristics of supervision are as follow;
§ Supervisions’ main purpose is improvement. It is a service activity.
§ It is intended to stimulate, coordinate, guide and make teachers self directive
§ The concept of supervision is based on the belief that improvement of the instruction is a cooperative enterprise.

Objectives of Supervision

The main objective of supervision is the evaluation of the school programmes. Some of the other important objectives are as under;
o To provide professional leadership to all educational workers working in the school system
o To ascertain the strengths and limitations of the schools and to set suitable targets for progress of the educational institutions.
o To share/ inform the management , parents about the problems of the school and seek for their help in solving them out
o To promote the professional growth of all school personnel especially that of the teachers by organizing various need based in-service programmes of varied types such as workshops, seminars etc.
o To identify the factors responsible for promoting or hindering the progress of the schools and thereby taking steps to explore or to control them
o To guide and encourage school personnel to carry out experimentation and research in their areas of working

Responsibilities of a good supervisor

o Setting realistic and practicable programmes for improvement in a school
o Creating harmony among the school personnel
o Providing constructive feedback and guidance
o Playing a motivating and inspiring role for the betterment of the school system
o Maintaining a proper documentation and follow up work
o Studying latest practices in the school functioning
o Keeping the things confidential in the required case
o Ensuring smooth functioning of the daily routine of the school by looking after the matters such as arranging proxy periods, time table etc.
o Serving as a communication link between Teachers and non academic staff and the principal and parents
o Chalking out the strengths and limitations of the school and thereby exploring the strengths and working on the limitations of the school
o Stay informed about the latest rules and regulations , circulars recharging the school from the government or the trust
o Being critical and creative in the analysis of the school activities
o Carrying out and promoting creative and innovative practices in the school system with reference to various aspects such as teaching learning process, material production, professional development of the school personnel etc.
o Seeking for the suggestions of the school personnel in taking the decisions related to their work
o Informing the higher authority may be a principal or management regarding school activity that is serving as a communication link
o Creating work culture with encouraging team work and leadership qualities.
Institutes of Advanced Studies in Education (IASEs)

Essentially, IASEs are the Colleges of Teacher Education which have been elevated to the status of IASE .They are the centers of Excellence and Research in teacher education and their main objective is to promote excellence and research in the field of teacher education.

Scope of IASEs

• Conducting Pre service and in-service training programmes
• Preparing elementary and secondary teacher educators and educational researcher
workers by conducting M. Ed, M. Phil and Ph.d programmes
• Organize in service education programmes and activities for elementary and
secondary teacher educators, principals , inspectors and supervisors of secondary
• train teachers and others in the techniques of preparation of software and use of
educational technology
• Extend academic consultancy service to CTEs ,DIETs
• Develop instructional materials including audio and video cassettes on important
teaching learning techniques and innovations etc. which would be available for
use by CTEs ,DIETs and other institutions
• Once established , they may even develop special expertise in certain areas like
Non formal education ,adult education ,special education ,planning and management
and Elementary education
• Plan programmes for the training of the senior secondary school teachers
National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE)

The National Council for Teacher Education is a statutory body set up under the National Council for Teacher Education Act, 1993 to facilitate planned and coordinated development of the teacher education system in the country, and for regulation and proper maintenance of norms and standards in the teacher education system.

The mandate given to the NCTE is very broad and covers the whole gamut of teacher education programs including research and training of persons to equip them to teach at pre-primary, primary, secondary and senior secondary stages in schools, and non-formal education, part-time education, adult education and distance (correspondence) education courses.

Scope of NCTE

Undertake surveys and studies related to the various aspects of teacher education and publish results there of
Preparing suitable plans and programmes in the field of teacher education and make recommendations to central and state governments
Lay down guidelines for qualifications of staff, also for starting new courses or training and for providing physical and instructional facilities and for tuition fees and other fees chargeable by teacher education institutions
Lay down standards in respect of examinations leading to teacher education qualifications, deciding criteria for admission in various teacher education courses
Promote and conduct innovation and research in various areas of teacher education and disseminate the results their of
Conduct inspection to ascertain the functioning of the institutions and communicate the views there of
Recognize and derecognize the teacher education institutions and courses
Prepare and publish National Curriculum framework for teacher education
Provide financial Support for Research and Innovation in Teacher Education and awarding Best Researcher Award . It also gives award Best Teacher educator award
Publish useful instructional materials and journal entitled Anvekshika

Organizational Structure of NCTE

NCTE has its headquarter at New Delhi and four Regional Committees at Banglore, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar and Jaipur to look after its statutory responsibilities. In order to enable the NCTE to perform the assigned functions including planned and co-ordinated development and initiating innovations in teacher education, the NCTE in Delhi as well as its four Regional Committees have administrative and academic wings to deal respectively with finance, establishment and legal matters and with research, policy planning, monitoring, curriculum, innovations, co-ordination, library and documentation, in-service programmes. The NCTE Headquarters is headed by the Chairperson, while each Regional Committee is headed by a Regional Director.
University Grants Commission

The UGC was formally established in November 1956 as a statutory body of the Government of India through an Act of Parliament for the coordination, determination and maintenance of standards of university education in India.

In order to ensure effective region-wise coverage throughout the country, the UGC has decentralised its operations by setting up six regional centers at Pune, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Bhopal, Guwahati and Bangalore. The head office of the UGC is located at New Delhi

Objectives of UGC

The UGC has the unique distinction of being the only grant-giving agency in the country which has been vested with two important responsibilities: that of providing funds and that of coordination, determination and maintenance of standards in institutions of higher education.

Scope of UGC

Appoints various commissions and committees for looking into the matter related to
higher education
Organizes various in-service programmes for personnel of the higher education especially for teachers through academic staff colleges
Provides guidelines for utilization of grants for various purposes such building, library e- content development etc. to the university universities, colleges etc.
Recognizing universities and colleges and also bringing out the names of fake universities and colleges
Lay down rules and regulations for pay scale, appointments, increments, promotion and performance appraisal in the university education
Brings out circulars and notices regarding new rules and regulations about academic and administrative aspects of the higher education
Provides Model curriculum for various subjects at the higher education
Conducts NET examination for lecturership and Junior Research Fellowship
Brings out publications in the form of annual report ,newsletter and reports of various commissions and committees on higher education
Collaborates with international agencies and universities for cultural exchange, scholarships and research work etc.
Launching many schemes for assuring quality in higher education such as mentioned below
Ø International cooperation
Ø Networking of universities and colleges
Ø Faculty Initiatives Programme
Ø Identification of universities and colleges with potential for excellence
Ø Accreditation system
Provides University Technology Database
Provides support research work in the university by way of various schemes for research scholars
Provides facilities of different types through Inter University Centers such as INFLIBNET, Academic Staff Colleges, and Consortium for Educational Communication, NAAC, Inter-University Accelerator Centre, and The Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics etc.

Unit: IV -Educational Agencies

The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)

NCERT is an apex resource organization set up by the Government of India, with headquarters at New Delhi, to assist and advise the Central and State Governments on academic matters related to school education. The NCERT provides academic and technical support for improvement of school education through its constituents which are as follows:

Ø National Institute of Education (NIE) , New Delhi
Ø Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET)
Ø Pandit Sunderlal Sharma Central Institute of Vocational Education
Ø Regional Institutes of Education (RIEs), at Ajmer, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Mysore and Shillong

Different Departments at National Institute of Education, New Delhi

The National Institute of Education (NIE) in New Delhi carries out research and development activities related to pedagogical aspects of curriculum; prepares prototype curricular and supplementary materials; develops school education-related database and undertakes experiments in pre-school, elementary, secondary and higher secondary stages to support all-round development of the learner. NIE also organizes in -service training of key resource persons and teacher educators associated with implementation of centrally sponsored school improvement schemes.

Department of
Elementary education

Women's Studies [DWS]

Teacher Education and Extensions [DTEE]

Educational Measurement and Evaluation [DEME]

Educational Research and Policy Perspective [DERPP]
Computer Education and Technological Aids [DCETA]
Education in Arts and Aesthetics ( DEAA )
Curriculum Group (CG)

The CIET is concerned with development of educational technology, especially mass communication media. Activities of CIET also include design and production of media software viz., radio and television programmes.

Scope of NCERT
The NCERT undertakes the Following programmes and activities are included under the scope of NCERT.

Being an apex national body for research in school education, the NCERT performs the important functions of conducting and supporting research and offering training in educational research methodology. Besides conducting in-house research, the NCERT supports research programmes of other institutions/organizations by providing financial assistance and academic guidance. Assistance is given to scholars for publication of their Ph.D. theses. Research fellowships are offered to encourage studies in school education to create a research base for developmental, training and extension programmes and to create a pool of competent research workers. It also organises courses for educational research workers. The NCERT also organises educational research in the country. It has computer facilities for storing, processing and retrieval of data. It collaborates with international agencies in inter-country research, projects.


The major developmental activities include development and renewal of curricula and instructional materials for various levels of school education and making them relevant to changing needs of children and society. The innovative developmental activities include development of curricula and instructional materials in school education in the area of pre-school education, formal and non-formal education, vocationalisation of education and teacher education.


NCERT also provides pre-service and in-service training of teachers at various levels; pre-primary, elementary, secondary and higher secondary, and also in such areas as vocational education, educational technology, guidance and counseling, and special education. The pre-service teacher education programmes are offered at the Regional Institutes of Education (RIEs).The RIEs also undertake the training of key personnel of the states and of state level institutions and training of teacher educators and in-service teachers.


NCERT works in close collaboration with various agencies and institutions in the states and also works extensively with Extension Service Departments and Centers in teacher training colleges and schools with the purpose of providing assistance to various categories of personnel, including teachers, teacher educators, educational administrators, question-paper setters, textbook writers, etc. Conferences, seminars, workshops and competitions are organized as regular on-going programmes as a part of the extension activities.

Publication and Dissemination
The NCERT publishes textbooks for different school subjects for Classes I to XII. The textbooks are published in English, Hindi and Urdu.
It also brings out workbooks, teachers guides, supplementary readers, research reports, etc. In addition, it publishes instructional materials for the use of teacher educators, teacher trainees and in-service teachers.

The NCERT publishes six journals: The Primary Teacher is published both in English and Hindi and aims at giving meaningful and relevant educational inputs to primary school teachers for direct use in the classroom; School Science serves as an open forum for discussion on various aspects of science education; Journal of Indian Education provides a forum for encouraging original and critical thinking in education through discussion on current educational issues; Indian Educational Review contains research articles and provides a forum for researchers in education; and BharatiyaAdhunik Shiksha, published in Hindi, provides a forum for encouraging critical thinking in education on contemporary issues and for dissemination of educational problems and practices. Besides these, a house journal called NCERT Newsletter is also published in English and Hindi. The title of the Hindi version of the newsletter is Shaikshik Darpan.

Exchange Programmes
The NCERT interacts with international organizations such as UNESCO, UNICEF, UNDP, NFPA and the World Bank to study specific educational problems and to arrange training programmes for personnel from developing countries.

Unit 1 -The textbooks of GSHSEB

The textbooks which are taught in GSEB affiliated schools are actually prepared by Gujarat State Board of School Textbooks. It prepares the textbooks in seven different languages viz. Gujarati, Hindi, English, Sindhi, Tamil, Marathi and Urdu. The textbooks are prepared by the experts in the field of education. Even the school teachers are invited for writing the textbooks. The needs of the state, the new changes occurring are also kept in mind while writing the textbooks. These textbooks are prepared keeping in mind the National Curriculum Framework published by the NCERT. Once written, the textbooks are reviewed by experts at different levels which include teachers teaching in higher education and even the teachers teaching respective subject in the school.The translation work is carried out in languages other Gujarati as stated above, once the master copy is prepared in Gujarati. Experts are invited to carry out the translation activity. The GSEB in collaboration with the state department of Education also conducts the in service programmes across the state to orient the school teachers regarding the methodologies of transacting the textbooks. It is often commented these textbooks promote more of rote memorization on the part of students rather than making them think.

Unit 1 -The textbooks of CBSE

The textbooks which are taught in CBSE affiliated schools are prepared by NCERT. These textbooks are prepared keeping in mind the National Curriculum Framework published by the NCERT from time to time. Lot of care is taken to prepare the textbooks as the children across the country study them .Besides, these textbooks also set an example for the state boards to prepare their textbooks. Many workshops and seminars are organized to decide the matter to be included in different textbooks. Discussions and deliberations are regular activity followed for preparing textbooks. There are many experts here too, are involved in preparing the textbooks. The textbooks are also widely reviewed to make them more authentic, reliable and error free. The NCERT publishes its textbooks in Hindi and English. The medium of instruction in CBSE affiliated schools is Hindi and English. It is observed that these textbooks promote thinking skills among students. They involve activities and project work to be done by the students related with particular subject.