Thursday, March 4, 2010

Institutes of Advanced Studies in Education (IASEs)

Essentially, IASEs are the Colleges of Teacher Education which have been elevated to the status of IASE .They are the centers of Excellence and Research in teacher education and their main objective is to promote excellence and research in the field of teacher education.

Scope of IASEs

• Conducting Pre service and in-service training programmes
• Preparing elementary and secondary teacher educators and educational researcher
workers by conducting M. Ed, M. Phil and Ph.d programmes
• Organize in service education programmes and activities for elementary and
secondary teacher educators, principals , inspectors and supervisors of secondary
• train teachers and others in the techniques of preparation of software and use of
educational technology
• Extend academic consultancy service to CTEs ,DIETs
• Develop instructional materials including audio and video cassettes on important
teaching learning techniques and innovations etc. which would be available for
use by CTEs ,DIETs and other institutions
• Once established , they may even develop special expertise in certain areas like
Non formal education ,adult education ,special education ,planning and management
and Elementary education
• Plan programmes for the training of the senior secondary school teachers

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