Saturday, November 6, 2010

Elective -1 Educational Research

Unit4 - Data collection tool
Questionnaire is widely used in survey method. It is a widely used tool of data collection in research. The researcher is required to bear in mind following important points while constructing the questionnaire so as to get the expected responses.
A good questionnaire should have open ended as well as closed ended questions. The open ended question will help to get more detailed and personalized responses.
The questions should be grammatically correct.
The language should be easy to understand for the respondents.
The questions should be properly logically well sequenced.
There should not be too many questions. The questionnaire should not be too long. Similarly it should have sufficient number of questions to get the relevant data.
The questionnaire should specify instructions for the respondents if required.
The questions framed should be clear and should not have ambiguity.
The questions should be relevant to the information desired to be obtained.
The respondents should be given enough space in the questionnaire to write his or her responses.
The questionnaire if to be mailed for administered should contain necessary information about the address of the organization etc. for sending it back.

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