Navodaya Vidyalayas
The National Policy on Education 1986 envisaged establishment of a Navodaya Vidyalaya in each District of the country.Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti is an Autonomous Organisation which has been set up to establish and manage co-educational, residential school covering VI to XII known as Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas.
Objectives of Navodaya Vidyalayas
ØTo provide good quality modern education to the talented children predominantly from the rural areas without regard to their families socio-economic conditions;
ØTo ensure that all students of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas attain a reasonable level of competence in three languages as envisaged in the three language formula;
ØTo serve, in each district, as focal points for improvements in quality of school education through sharing of experiences and facilities.
Policies of Navodaya Vidyalayas
ØNavodaya Vidyalayas are fully residential and co-educational schools covering classes VI toXII.
ØEducation in the Vidyalayas is free for all enrolled students including lodging, boarding, text
books, uniforms etc.
ØThe Vidyalayas seek to promote and develop talented, bright and gifted children
predominantly from rural areas who may otherwise be denied good educational opportunities.
ØAdmission to Vidyalayas is made at the class VI level through open test conducted at District
level by CBSE. About 32,000 students are admitted every year.
Ø70% is reserved for the children of rural area. 30% reserved for girls.
ØThese Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas are affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary
Education(CBSE) and impart the CBSE curricula.
ØNavodaya Vidyalaya Samiti through its eight Regional Offices ensures all round development of the personality of the children by providing good academic guidance apart from input in other non-scholastic areas by providing good facilities for sports, NCC, Scouts & Guides, adventure activities and computer education etc.
One of the salient features of the Navodaya Vidyalaya Scheme is migration under which 30% of children studying in class IX from a Navodaya Vidyalaya in a Hindi belt gets shifted for studies to a Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya of non-Hindi area and vise-versa and thus helps to promote national integration.
ØIn order to ensure good quality of education in the vidyalayas, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
organises continuous pre-service and in service training of teachers in collaboration with higher
institutes of learning in the country such as NCERT, NIEPA, RIE etc. The training wing of the
samiti looks after these programmes which include the following features
ØIdentification of the needs of the Navodaya Vidyalaya teachers and accordingly,
the organisation of various types of in-service courses for them.
ØDevelopment of curriculum enrichment material for in service courses as well as for reinforcing
actual classroom teaching.
ØDevelopment of effective low cost teaching aids and acquainting teachers with the latest
educational technology.
ØEncouragement & coordination of innovative practices, action research, experimentation,
survey projects etc. in the areas of the Navodaya Vidyalaya System.
Kendriya Vidyalayas
Kendriya Vidyalayas are run by the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, an autonomous body under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India established on 15th December 1965.
Objectives of Kendriya Vidyalayas
To cater to the educational needs of the children of transferable Central Government
Employees including Defense and Para-military personnel by providing a common
program of education.
To pursue excellence and set pace in the field of school education.
To initiate and promote experimentation and innovation in education in collaboration
with other bodies like the CBSE, NCERT.
To develop the spirit of national integration and create a sense of Indian ness
among children.
Policies of Kendriya Vidyalayas
Generally established at places having sizeable concentration of transferable central government or civil sector and in the campuses of the institutions of higher learning and Public Sector Undertakings.
Giving preference to the children of transferable Central Government Employees including Defense and Para-military personnel in giving admissions.
Instruction is imparted through the media of Hindi and English. The ultimate objective is to enable the pupil to achieve proficiency in both the languages.
Following the same text books and Syllabi to follow a common program of education.
Education up to class VIII is free, However tuition fee at varying rates are chargeable from the students of classes IX to X
100 % free education is given to single girl child having no brother or sister with effect from 01-01-2006.
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