Definition and Meaning
An organization is defined as the necessary combination of human efforts, material equipments brought together in a systematic and effective correlation to accomplish the desired results.
School organization comes under the broader umbrella of school management. The school management deals with the overall policy framing and ensuring the smooth functioning of the school, while the school organization is about the actual organization of resources, events, personnel of a school. In a school, we find the distribution of work. Different people are assigned duties and made responsible for the same. They are also given due powers to discharge their duties effectively. The co-ordination between different personnel is also ensured to organize the activities of the school properly. There is also a clearly laid down organizational structure which exists in the school and which also
help in effective organization of the school activities.
School organization comes under the broader umbrella of school management. The school management deals with the overall policy framing and ensuring the smooth functioning of the school, while the school organization is about the actual organization of resources, events, personnel of a school. In a school, we find the distribution of work. Different people are assigned duties and made responsible for the same. They are also given due powers to discharge their duties effectively. The co-ordination between different personnel is also ensured to organize the activities of the school properly. There is also a clearly laid down organizational structure which exists in the school and which also
help in effective organization of the school activities.
Thus school organization means
- Organization of different types of activities of a school
- Organization of Material resources of a school
- Organization of a school personnel
- Organization of Ideas and Principles into school system which includes building relationships, creating conducive climate for work at the school etc.
A concept also includes characteristics. Hence the characteristics of school organization are given below;
Characteristics of an ideal school organization
Following are the characteristics of an ideal organization. An ideal school organization should have all these characteristics.
Simplicity: This means there should be clarity of roles, duties, responsibilities and powers on the part of each person working in a school. This avoids confusion and chaos leading to better organization of the activities of the school.
Dynamism/Flexibility: An ideal school organization is one in which any kind of change can take place without disturbing any other activity. It should have scope for additions and alterations. The rules and regulations should be flexible to meet the needs of the school.
Stability: A school organization should be dynamic but it does not mean that it should be in fluid condition without any norm or standard rules and regulations. What is expected is the balance between rigidity and flexibility.
Clarity about Powers and Duties: There should be clear understanding of the powers and duties of individuals working together in a school. It is necessary to avoid confusion and laying down responsibilities. Similarly there should be balanced allotment of powers and duties.
Coordination: In an ideal school organization there should coordination between different activities and also coordination between physical resources and human resources. The school should bring together all people and all things to contribute for the realization of objectives.
Acceptance of human elements: An ideal school organization should accept human elements. Here the personnel should be free to express their feelings, opinions, offer constructive suggestions and bring about healthy changes in the school.
Control: Control is the element which puts a break to an activity and then evaluates the results. It is required to safeguard against the misuse of powers in the school.There are different models available to understand the concept and nature of school organization. They are bureaucratic model, system and community model.
Scope of School Organization
The scope of school organization can be understood form the following points. Each point includes a wide variety of activities involved in the school system. The points are as follow
Ø Organization of academic and administrative work of a school:This includes the major areas like planning the teaching work, organization of learning resources such as library, e-content and also organization of co- curricular activities. The organization of administrative work deals with organization of all the old and present records, registers of different types and other documents of the school. They are to be well organized and preserved. Besides, it includes the task of chalking out the duties and responsibilities of administrative personnel for smooth administrative work.
Ø Organization of Physical resources of the school:This helps in organizing all the physical resources of a school to ensure their optimum utilization. Even planning for new resources is also considered under this.
Ø Organization of organizers / personnel of the school:This deals with assigning work to the school personnel, chalking out the duties and responsibilities, delegating powers for decision making and directing and ensuring coordination between different school personnel. In addition to this, it also refers to the organization of various activities for ensuring their professional and personal growth, sustaining their motivation and maintaining harmony and developing interpersonal relationships among them.
Ø Democratic organization:This refers to make the school work democratically following the policy of participatory management.
Ø Organization of conducive climate for smooth working:It is very important to make the school personnel work efficiently and devotedly. Mere salaries will not help to develop a sense of commitment for an organization. Adequate working hours , freedom to carry out innovations , scope for professional growth, acceptance of human relationships and many other factors help in creating conducive climate for working. A good school organization should always strive to create such type of climate which create and sustain the motivation of school personnel for the growth and development of the school.
Significance of School Organization:
Ø It is very much necessary to ensure smooth functioning of a school.
Ø It is necessary to avoid under and over utilization of the resources of a school there byensuring optimum and judicious use of the resources.
Ø It is important to make best use of the capabilities of the school personnel because if theyare allotted the work depending upon their area of expertise, interest, experience they arelikely to deliver work at the best of their abilities.
Ø It is necessary to save time, increase clarity and efficiency of work as there is clarity ofduties to be performed and responsibilities to be held on the part of the school personnel.
Ø It is significant to achieve the aims and objectives of a school smoothly. Ø It is important to create a professional image of a school.
Ø It lays stress on building relationships among the school personnel thereby helps inincreasing mutual trust, interdependency which is necessary to build team spirit amongthe school personnel.
Great article, All the mentioned functionalities can be done with one
school management system ,
Superbly written..Thank you very much
Thank you so much for the clarity on this topic. I am doing a paper for a leadership preamble and one of the topics is school organization and I was not quite sure of what to include.
Very well written and informative.
Good one for students
the school is regarded as an organization which relies on certain principles in order to work efficiently. Discuss how it operates as an organization in order to achieve its intended goal? how can I answer this? please
Thank you so much for this information, Iam doing B. Ed where school organization is in one of the unit in my paper.
Thank you u saved me
Discuss school as an organization please help me here
very on point for my paper on organization in preschool and primary school
sir please tell me this question
Q. in the light of different definitions enlist the significance of school management?
Useful content.
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